Giants by Robert Anning Bell

Robert Anning Bell illustrated several books for kids. His work on The Banbury Cross Series is among the most important parts of his artistic career. Jack and the Beanstalk is one of the stories with his illustrations and here are the pictures with the giant.


The giant hasĀ insatiable appetite. Human flesh is his favorite but he can settle for few pigs instead.


A hen with golden eggs is not just a great source of income. She can help you sleep as well.


See? Loaded stomach and a few sacks full of gold guarantee deep and peaceful sleep.


Giant is suspicious. Some of his possesions are missing and his house smells of fresh human.


A magical harp can help at relaxation too. It's notĀ as great as the hen with golden eggs but after a while it can asleep you though.


Jack is running with a singing harp and the giant is chasing him. We all know what follows next. Robert Anning Bell didn't bother to draw the bloody details so you can imagine the scene exactly as you wish.